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Chapter 2 – Discover & Design

Since we now have the blueprint of the house, it is equally important to understand the design/ architecture of the house that we need to create. Just imagine yourself dreaming of a house that you need to create for yourself and you land up in a chaos with the room designed for sleeping mapped as kitchen!

Up to now, the project team and the client have focused on high-level questions regarding the project. These start with simple questions like "why is this solution important?", "what is the business value?" and "what are we going to deliver?" In the Design Phase, these questions are taken to a lower level of details, and you start to ask the "how" questions. The big one is "how will we build this solution?"

At this point, the project team should have a complete set of requirements to work from, a set of direction-setting strategies and a Conceptual Systems Design. The design process comes next. Even if the project was small and the requirements were simple, there is still a mental design process that occurs in between understanding the requirements and starting to construct. The Design Phase answers the questions about "how" you will build the best solution.

This phase will in general include aspects like understanding the organization hierarchy, understanding the different processes and sub processes, mapping different roles/ actors in the process, any configuration in the field details, etc.

With Alt, this phase becomes simpler by using Alt Assets. Alt Assets are templates and checklist that will assist you to map the customer’s requirement to the system with the minutest of the details getting captured. This will also assist in standardizing the approach across all customers. Various checklist/ assets that will be used are listed below. It is expected that the implementation partners will refer to the same while doing any implementation.